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Development related challenges in times of crisis. Fair traide, climate justice & project management
Development related challenges in times of crisis. Fair traide, climate justice & project management

Development related challenges in times of crisis. Fair traide, climate justice & project management

10. Juli 2023 - 14. Juli 2023
Art bzw. Nummer:
Marianne Rennberger, STUBE-Nord
JH Würzburg

Worldwide threats from climate change, economic instability or global wars are shaking existing but fragile regional and global structures. From a development perspective, all countries of the world are affected by the danger of hunger and impoverishment, droughts or flooding, but also the emergence of neocolonial power relations. Using the examples of  the global economy and the environment, this Summer Academemy addresses some of these challenges and critically examine global inequalities and imbalances.

We will also ask how we can become active in our everyday lives and engage for more global justice – both in terms of the economy and the environment. The focus here will be on local examples and approaches to solutions for global challenges.

In order to be able to implement our own ideas and commitment, a workshop in project management is also planned, which will address the specific situation of students from the Global South.


Place:    Youth Hostel 

Fred-Joseph-Platz 2, 97082 Würzburg

Speaker: Lilly Breunig | Weltladen Würzburg 
PD Dr. Claudia Schmidt-Dietrich,
University of Augsburg 
Irina Ruoff (angefragt)

Chair:     Norbert Brunner, Katharina Heilmann, 
in cooperation with 
Marianne Rennberger, STUBE-Nord;  
Departure time:  10. July 9 am
Return journey:  arrival in Hamburg 14. July 7 pm

Costs:  solidarity contribution 30,- EURO
this includes, travel costs by german train, accommodation and meals for all days 

Registration deadline:  2. July 2023


Registration please here: 
Or send a Mail to info@stube-nord.de


Kontakt: rennberger@diakonie-hamburg.de

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