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A creativ-workshop to discuss and illustrate SDG 10: “Reduced inequalities”
A creativ-workshop to discuss and illustrate SDG 10: “Reduced inequalities”

Veranstaltung:A creativ-workshop to discuss and illustrate SDG 10: “Reduced inequalities”

17. Juni 2023
Bettina (artist), Ulrike (graphic designer), Liz (trainer)
Norderreihe 61
22767 Hamburg-Altona

The project “globalgoals.hamburg” is producing mural banners of all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to raise public awareness for and participation in the implementation of these important goals by the year 2030. Different groups and individuals are invited to take part in discussions around the issues raised by each goal. Participating artists gather contributions and create these into images and artwork that is then printed onto a large banner and mounted at Neuer Kamp 32. 


A creativ-workshop to discuss and illustrate SDG 10: “Reduced inequalities”

Date: June 17, 2023 Time: 11.00 am to 4.00 pm

Venue: verikom, Norderreihe 61, 22767 Hamburg-Altona


Facilitators: Bettina (artist), Ulrike (graphic designer), Liz (trainer), see: www.globalgoals.hamburg


The aim of this workshop is to introduce issues raised in SDG 10: Reducing inequalities and place these in the context of participants’ own experience. Sharing, discussion and reflection will include a range of different methods that participants may find inspiring for their own educational, political or community settings. Tools and equipment for small art and theatre experiments are provided to make words and ideas come alive. In addition, the workshop will offer guidelines on how to create important messages on global development issues for public places and spaces. The workshop is held in English. (if necessary we can sometimes switch to German).


  • Introduction
  • The project gloalgoals.hamburg
  • Multi-media exploration of SDG 10 Reducing inequalities in and between countries
  • Incentives for discussion and reflection based on experience of inequalities and the need for change
  • Experimenting with creative methods for expression and creating messages
  • Moments for reflection with artist on what she has gathered for her artwork from participants’ contributions
  • Ways and criteria for taking ideas, thoughts, images and action around SDGs out into the pubic

Short breaks for food and drink will be arranged in tune with participants’ needs


We are looking forward to getting together! Bettina, Ulrike, Liz und Marianne

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